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Overnight Millionaire System

oleh Mathew John (2020-03-21)

I lived near the beautiful Caribbean Ocean in Overnight Millionaire System Review Freeport, Grand Bahama for eighteen months and the energy of the ocean's rhythm soothed and energized my soul. As I splashed along the beach on my morning walk I felt the lap of the waves against my feet and legs. Many mornings were tranquil and some were turbulent. I took pictures of sunrises but I also took picture after picture of the dashing waves. I held my camera down low so I could see the spray of the mist and the trajectory of a wave crashing over a rock. They were always beautiful and their rhythm filled my soul with joy and a connectedness to life.What is it about rhythm that draws us? A baby loves to be rocked or cradled in loving arms that sway back and forth. Children race for the swings and teeter totters on the playground. The seasons change, temperatures go up and down, the phases of the moon come and go. Nature loves change and so do we. As human beings we have an inborn desire for change. When things become too static, we manage to create a change.And yet, when the change is unexpected or not to our liking we think we want it the way it was. What can we learn from the Law of Rhythm? It is predictable. When we are having hard times, we can remember the law and be assured that good times lie ahead. It happens over and over again.
