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Joint N-11

oleh Jerome Princy (2020-03-23)

Symptoms of shoulder tendonitis Joint N-11 Review include pain in the upper arm, usually above the elbow. Often times you won't feel pain directly in the shoulder itself which often confuses those with a rotator cuff problem. The source of the pain is the tendon and it refers pain into the upper arm. The symptoms can be constant or intermittent. They are usually aggravated with overhead activities, pushing or pulling activities. The pain can be felt during the day and at night while sleeping. Movement of the arm can become limited if the pain becomes severe. If you are developing shoulder tendonitis pain then you should stop any activity that seems to aggravate your pain. Resting the tendon at this point is important. You can take some over the counter anti-inflammatories to help quiet the inflammation. If the pain does not subside in 1 week you should contact your physician for an examination. A tendonitis left untreated is likely to worsen and lead to more serious problems like a tear or frozen shoulder. Depending on the results of the exam your physician performs he may prescribe you a stronger anti-inflammatory, recommend a cortisone injection or prescribe physical therapy. Typically a cortisone injection doesn't have to be performed right away. A well structured exercise program from your physical therapist and medication can go a long way in resolving your pain. After some time using medication and the prescribed exercises if your symptoms are not resolving it may be time to try a cortisone injection. This may help relieve some of your symptoms. If it doesn't your physician may order an MRI to view the soft tissue structures of the shoulder to see the extent of the injury.
