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oleh Sylvie Pinley (2020-04-17)

Do you find that you tend to let go of LumaSlim all the rules of good eating this time of year? You eat anything and everything with reckless abandon? This year can be different! Consider these new patterns: Find Healthy Recipes and Alternatives. Substitute sliced jicama for crackers, for example. Choose a healthier nut-based pesto over a cheese-based spread. Replace bowls of candy with raw nuts. Raw almonds are particularly healthy. Promise your body you'll behave! Make a commitment to yourself that you can have a joyful holiday season by eating and drinking in moderation while keeping your eye on your healthy ideal body weight Take enzymes as you begin eating. Enzymes help your body digest food more effectively. Get them at your Health Food Store or online. Grocery shop on a full tummy! Shopping when you're hungry invites all of those high-calorie, low-nutrition items into your cart! Keep raw almonds in your car so you can satisfy any hunger before entering the store.Minimize 'Taste Bud Syndrome'. Don't plan the menu and pile your plate with foods that strictly taste good. Invite alkalizing vegetables to the party! Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, cress, turnips, rocket, radish are a few. These foods can be creatively introduced into your healthy recipes and menu.Take a walk! Instead of immediately plopping down in front of the TV (or worse yet, eating in front of the TV), give your body a gentle 15 minute walk 15 minutes after eating.Hold off on eating dessert for an hour and a half after a meal so the protein you've eaten has time to digest and the sugars in the dessert are less likely to ferment in your intestines because they're backed up behind undigested protein. Fermented sugars feed overgrowths of yeast, fungus and mold. These are bad guys, so avoid encouraging them to propagate.


How Does LumaSlim Formula Works?