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Organixx Collagen

oleh regina fancy (2020-04-02)

Fortunately, if you are serious about Organixx Collagen Review getting rid of these embarrassing lines, there are advanced technologies available today that can help you achieve your goal. And microdermabrasion may be one of theseStretch Marks DefinedFirst, it helps to understand what these skin problems actually are. They are red or silver lines or marks across the skin caused as a result of being stretched too tightly too quickly (like during pregnancy, puberty, or rapid weight gain.) The scarring takes place in the middle layer of the skin and they can fade over time, but may never totally go away. The ProcessThis procedure uses a wand to spray microcyrstals over the surface to exfoliate it and remove the top most layers of dead and uneven skin. This is a great way to smooth out blemishes and reduce the look of fine lines.Yet it is true that microdermabrasion does not reach to the middle layers of skin where the actual marks are. This makes some skeptical about the effectiveness of this procedure in treating the marks, especially when there is little scientific evidence to prove it, but many people swear that it can produce favorable results. Other OptionsSomething that can definitely help get rid of stretch marks is dermabrasion. This is roughly the same process as the microdermabrasion but it does reach down all the way to the middle layers, allow the exfoliating process to smooth out the stretch marks.The drawbacks however, are that this procedure requires the services of a licensed doctor, usually meaning it is more expensive. And because it treats much deeper levels, there is more healing involved that can take much longer. The results are said to be much more satisfying though.A similar option is fractional laser resurfacing. This uses laser beams to burn away the stretch marked area and increase the production of collagen in that area to promote smoother one. This also requires more down time but has been proven to be effective.

