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Meridian Health Protocol

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-07-25)

We value success Meridian Health Protocol more than we value life. So, we are always in a hurry to be successful - more and more and more! This mental hurry turns our life into a mental race. Our mind always keeps running - here, there, everywhere! We never sit in peace - not for a single second! When mind is in a hurry, what does the body do? It, too, never sits in peace. This not only affects our mental health, but our body health as well. Body shrinks itself and keeps its muscles contracted perennially, which ultimately turns into our body habit - the way our body becomes habituated of keeping itself. It never stays relaxed. It always keeps putting pressure on certain organs through its habitually contracted muscles and the corresponding postural deformities in its postural skeleton; which, in turn, affects the proper working of the organs concerned. Mental health affects the anatomical health; which, in turn, affects the physiology of the mind-body system. Vision is the first victim to fall prey to the onslaughts of this nexus between the wronged mental health and the wronged body posture. Now, what I did, was studying the wronged body posture in detail; and replacing it with the right one immediately corrected the vision. And once the replacement was done, the life should have gone perfectly smooth along with the corrected vision without any tendencies to fall back to the old patterns of body-behavior again. But it was not to be so. Mental health does play its role in deciding the tendencies the body is going to posture itself in! It does so through the weapon of mental hurry at its disposal. As the patients correct their vision through posturing their body right, they do not correct their mental disposition; which again tends to spoil their posture the way it had done so in the past when the vision problem had taken root for the first time in their life.

How Does Meridian Health Protocol Work?