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Memory Hack

oleh Francene Frayer (2020-08-06)

The first is a calming of the Memory Hack mind practice which usually involves watching one's breath go in and out. Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth? Through your right nostril, your left nostril, or both? Deep breaths or shallow breaths? This form of meditation helps settle the mind and bring the person back into the present moment without too many stressful, random thoughts and movement. This form of meditation is mainly to bring a serene peace to the mind and being aware of one's thoughts and body. The second is a form of meditation is called insight or vipassana meditation. Insight meditation involves actively watching one's self including one's thoughts and body sensations without judging or evaluating them as good or bad. And by doing so, one begins to unravel the root causes of these phenomenons. In today's mindfulness practice in Western psychology, these elements are preserved in being aware in the present moment and having a non-judgmental attitude towards whatever is happening. In essence, it is learning how to hold one's attention and concentration without judgment thereby being more aware of the present and being more open and accepting to whatever happens.

How Does Memory Hack Works?