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Secret Death Touches

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-08-08)

Defensive sprays - Also known Secret Death Touches as pepper sprays. They use a derivative of cayenne pepper, which is one of the hottest in the world known as oleoresin capsicum or OC for short. It can be delivered in the form of a mist, foam or gel. The range is up to as much as 25 feet for a pepper gun but usually in the 8 to 10 foot range. A spray in the face of OC spray causes choking, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and swells the veins of the eyes causing the eyes to close. And oh yeah how about some pain. Lots of it. Self-defense for senior citizens is something I take very seriously as my mother, who lives alone, is now a senior citizen and I am always worried about her safety. She lives in an upper-middle class neighborhood and has never been the victim of a violent crime. And to my knowledge no houses on or around her block have been the victim of a break in in recent history but just the same it makes no sense for her not to be prepared. Not being prepared because you live in a good 'neighborhood' is much like driving around without a seatbelt because you're a safe driver and have never been in an accident. Bad things happen and they can happen anywhere at any time to anyone. It is foolish to assume that you or anyone else is immune from becoming the victim of an assault, especially senior citizens. The simple fact of the matter is that senior citizens cannot as easily defend themselves as they might have been able to in their younger days. So why would a senior (or anyone for that matter) not take a very simple and affordable step toward ensuring their own safety and the safety of their loved ones by acquiring a small, easily-carried stun device? Stun guns are a non-lethal means of self-defense that are legal in all but 8 backwards-thinking states. They work by emitting a high-voltage, low-amp current of electricity to the attacker and disrupting the attacker's natural neuromuscular functions.

How Does Secret Death Touches Work?