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Yoga Quest

oleh Francene Frayer (2020-08-10)

Many visualization studies show Yoga Quest remarkable results can even be realized by children who simply imagine and feel like they are moving like an animal while remaining perfectly still and quiet. A third grade t'ai chi student said, "Last week you taught me how to feel a ball of energy, so every night I make a warm red ball of energy and I take it to sleep with me. I sleep much better now." Pretending to be powerful, graceful animals provides all the benefits of a rigorous workout but, because it is not strenuous, it has no potentially harmful side effects. Yoga, t'ai chi, and qigong's health benefits have been studied for nearly 2,000 years in China and India. In the past 20 years, western medical research has quickly discovered what Chinese medicine has long realized, that yoga, t'ai chi, and qigong provide more benefits than any other single exercise. That's why they are fast becoming part of America's push towards self help and healing as evidenced by classes offered at Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, the Mindfulness Program at Stanford University's Complementary Medicine Clinic, and Jon Kabat-Zinn's Meditation/Yoga Classes at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.

How does Yoga Quest Works?