Komentar Pembaca

DNA Scalper

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-08-13)

That is how long each DNA Scalper assignment is going to take you. Are you happy with that or is it too long to be worth it? If it is too long consider how you can modify your offer. You could either reduce your offer or increase the price. Look for micro job sites where the jobs are worth more than $5. The majority list the jobs for $5. Once they take their 20% commission you are left with $4. However, there are other sites where the jobs are priced higher, at $6, $7 or even $10. Even just one dollar increase on each job you do can make a big difference to your overall income. Join a number of sites, not just one. By being on a number of sites you maximize the chances of your jobs being found by buyers. However, don't choose too many. Just a handful will be fine. Create a great profile for each and again it will help your chances. Practice strong time management skills. Set aside specific times to complete your jobs, rather than just completing them on a haphazard basis. Remember, it also takes time to log in and out of your account and communicate with the buyers, so create blocks of time to do this. Keep your browsing to a minimum. Web browsing is the killer of productivity! Don't spend time looking around on the micro job site to see what others are offering. Use the same time to create new jobs of your own (brainstorm for ideas) and add them to sites. Should you choose a mobile app or create a mobile version of your website or should you even have both? Whichever choice you make, your future internet marketing plans need to include a mobile element as this channel continues to grow in importance.

How Does DNA Scalper Work?