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30 Days Metamorphosis

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-08-21)

It has been taught in 30 Days Metamorphosis some churches that there are three types of people in the world: natural, carnal, and spiritual. The natural is the unbeliever. The unbeliever is the person who has not accepted Christ as the sacrificial atonement for their sins and continues to live their life for self gratification; therefore, remaining in bondage to sin. The carnal is a believer; but, Christ is not Lord over their lives. They have accepted the Savior, but reject Christ as Lord. Could that be possible in a true believer? Can we enjoy the gift of salvation; but continue to keep "self" on the throne throughout our entire life? Can we say that we are a child of God; but, don't take instructions from our heavenly Father. Can we rule our lives on Earth; but reign with Christ in Heaven? I believe it's a package deal. You can't have Christ as your Savior but not as Lord. We will discuss this subject in more detail later. Thirdly, the spiritual are believers who have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord. Through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, they strive to live to God's Glory. Now, this is not to say that the spiritual have "arrived" or have all the answers; but, they are committed in seeking and living for the One who does have all the answers (Philippians 3: 12-14) Basically, I believe there are two types of people: believers and unbelievers. I wanted to discuss the three types of people being taught in some churches because I needed to lay a foundation to discuss carnality in the Body of Christ in more detail. I think this concept (three types of people) has caused the Body of Christ to fall short of what Christ proclaimed us to be, hindered the spiritual growth of believers, and given a false sense of security among the unbeliever.

How Does 30 Days Metamorphosis Work?