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Sugar Balance

oleh regina fancy (2020-03-21)

The gene is named Schlank by the research Sugar Balance Review team, a German word meaning "slim", now rather obviously being called the slimming gene The importance of this discovery cannot be overestimated, to have discovered a gene that controls fat metabolism, a gene that when defective prevents the build up of body fat has immense potential consequences in the field of pharmaceuticals that can have an affect on millions of obese people in the world. Based on the findings. it immediately conjures up visions of the development of a medication that performs in a more limited way, the same thing as the defective fruit fly gene. Long a goal of pharmaceutical companies and those dedicated to the treatment of diabetes. Human beings and other mammals also carry a gene similar to the Schlank gene, called the Lass gene, a gene that was not known to be involved in the control of fat production. Although it is known that a defective Lass gene is the cause of severe metabolic problems in mammals. Different creatures have different numbers and varieties of the Lass gene, humans have six versions of the gene. Now with the results of the Bonn team available, Professor Hoch, a member of that team, is of the opinion that the recent discoveries provide a promising avenue of approach in the search for medications to treat obesity, a major factor in a growing world-wide epidemic of type 2 diabetes. A recent Gallup survey this year, 2009, offered the conclusion that Americans who are obese are almost three times as likely to be diagnosed as having diabetes as the non-obese population. There are 26 million Americans who already have diabetes and Gallup notes that if the current trend continues the number will rise to over 37 million by the end of 2015, a lot more than 10% of the population. And that is for the United States only, the story is similar in the U.K., Australia, Europe, and India,with a population of over one billion people, has the highest number of diabetics of any one country in the world, according to Diabetes UK. India has described itself as the diabetes capital of the world with over 40 million cases.

