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How to Answer Difficult Questions

oleh asd fg (2022-06-29)

MeresponJual blog zombie

Let's discuss some of these steps.


When faced with a difficult question, it is recommended that you start by paraphrasing the question (rephrasing the question) before answering. This paraphrase confirms that you heard the question correctly, validates the questioner, gives you time to think, and allows you to modify the question to make it easier for you to answer.

For example, imagine an important prospective client asks you about the availability of certain features in your product that you know may not be available in the future. Paraphrasing a question you might ask, “You are asking about our roadmap and how we prioritize our product features.”

This paraphrase broadens the question, giving you the opportunity to establish a broader vision and perhaps highlighting a function that is adjacent to or related to the feature your prospect is looking for. This reframing by paraphrasing gives you a way to turn the question into something more manageable and allows you to refocus your communication.


Providing a valid reason not to answer a question directly is another tool for this type of question.

howtoanswer.net - Citing legal issues, regulatory guidelines, or past practices can be a valid reason for you not to respond directly.

Alternatively, you can use an existing policy that prohibits commenting on a question as it is asked.

Finally, you can blame your inability to respond to the lack of information you have on the topic. For example, if someone asks you what you think about a competitor's new direction, you could say that you want to do more in-depth research beforehand to make sure your response is correct.