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IGR Plus

oleh Reta Masten (2020-04-22)

Eating "inflammatory" foods, especially grains IGR Plus Review like wheat, barley, and rye that contain gluten and introduce inflammatory proteins called prolamins. These chronically irritate the gut and contribute to gut permeability or "leaky gut". Once the gut is excessively permeable, large molecules that were never intended to pass through the intestinal barrier are allowed to do so. This triggers an over-active immune response as the immune system goes on the attack, so to speak. One of the results of this heightened immune reaction is inflammation.Sleep repairs the body. This has a positive knock-on effect to how you function cognitively the next and following days. When we sleep, we sleep in cycles of 60-90 minutes. During that time we oscillate between deep (so-called delta) sleep where the body repairs itself and the lighter REM sleep.REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep, or lighter sleep, moves information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. This helps you to better recall information you absorb on a daily basis. It is during this REM phase of sleep that your eyes move rapidly from side to side (hence the name) and that you dream.
