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oleh Sylvie Pinley (2020-07-20)

Normal servings at restaurants and even those at Smart Diet Formula Review home are two to three times a 'serving size', as standardized by food labeling laws. Plus, people aren't familiar with the signs that their body gives when it is full, leaving them eating more and losing less because they don't understand what a portion control diet does and how it works to provide the body with the nutrition that it needs without overeating. Here's one way to look at it: a deck of cards or the palm of your hand is roughly a 4 ounce serving of meat, a womanish fist is about the size of a serving of fruits or vegetables, and a rounded handful is the serving size of most snacks.If you want to eat less and start with a portion control diet, try drinking a glass of water or milk 10 to 20 minutes before you eat. This will give your stomach a fuller start, and help you to consume less food. Try using a smaller plate than a dinner plate, because you will be able to get the visual effect that it is full without overeating. If you go to a restaurant, consider ordering a small meal or a half-portion of something. If that isn't an option, ask them when you order to split the meal in half and box it up to go before they even bring it to you. Then, you'll be less tempted to finish your plate right there. You can also buy portion control plates that show you how much food is too much food and it's right there on your plate as a constant reminder not to overeat.Eat slowly, too. Too many people eat so fast that their bodies can't even indicate fullness until they've already overeaten. It can take up to 20 minutes for your body to tell your brain it is full. In that amount of time you can have eaten way too much food and completely stuffed yourself. That's why it's a good reason to eat slowly and to exercise a good portion control diet.Self control is a big part of a portion control diet as well. Yes, you have to simply eat less when on a diet such as this. But by using the tips mentioned in this article such as only eating a half portion at restaurants, or buying a portion control plate, or eating slowly, you can develop the discipline to conquer your bad habits and eventually lose the extra pounds you want to.


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