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Urgent Money Miracle

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-07-21)

God cares of me, one lone Urgent Money Miracle speck of dust here on this earth in comparison to the universe and eternity. He loves me, and when I think of how I have turned my back on Him so many times, I feel so ashamed and disgusted with myself. That is one reason why I love God and why I am choosing to live my life for Him. Believe me, there are many more reasons, but to sum them all up, I choose to live as a Christian, because God commands that I do so. Another reason is because my relationship with Him has grown to a point where instead of having to look over my shoulder to see what He did in the past, I have began to see Him moving in my life on a current, daily basis. God is an active part of my life and my lifestyle as a Christian with Him as an active participant, is much more satisfying than any lifestyle I have experimented with in the past. Did reaching this point in my relationship with Him happen overnight? Well, yes and no! Yes because I had the exact same relationship available to me the moment I first accepted God into my life, and no because like so many others, I did not want to turn away from the world's ways. For many years I wanted to live like the world and have God in my life too, but the years have proven that this is not possible. The Bible clearly tells us this the first time we open it up, but most of us are stubborn like I was and are not willing to make the change that we have to make. I am happy as a Christian and I do not want the life that I had before. Can I tell you that you will get the same results if you choose to follow God? Absolutely yes you will! You will have make choices and you will have to change some things but the end result will be a relationship with God that is just as satisfying as the one I have. I am not making this promise to you, God is. It is in His word! He is just waiting for you to take the first step toward Him and ask for a relationship. It is there for the taking, you have to be the one to take it though!

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