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Meridian Health Protocol

oleh Sylvie Pinley (2020-07-24)

Socially anxious people have feelings that their Meridian Health Protocol very existence or the way in which they interact with others will reveal negative characteristics about their person that people will pick up on. This then typically leads to feelings of being rejected or ridiculed for ones actions. Having these feelings often makes it hard to interact with others on a normal level, listening and keeping concentration become increasingly difficult as your mind worries more about how you look or what you may be doing. This then leads to isolation and loneliness, a sadness many people will endure as it can prevent close relationships from forming.Happiness and times of joy still inhabit those who are socially anxious but these likable qualities often only surface once feelings of complete ease are present. As feelings of ease become so difficult in certain situations, these good qualities are often lost and hidden from view. Anxiety interferes with expressions and the ability to display them no longer seems apparent. One of the great rewards in beating social anxiety is that it enables you to express aspects of yourself that may previously have been stifled.Prescribed medicines used in the treatment of bipolar disorder are highly effective. However, there are negative effects on the body from medication in bipolar treatment that alarm patients and physicians.According to the FDA, antidepressants are generally safe but some studies suggest that they may have unintentional effects on some people, particularly in adolescents and young adults. It is important to observe patients taking antidepressant drugs closely regardless of age particularly in the first two weeks of treatment for possible side effects. Observe for worsening depression, onset of suicidal thinking or behavior, or any unusual changes in behavior such as sleeplessness, agitation, or withdrawal from normal social functions. The family or caregiver should report any suspicious change in behavior to the patient's doctor immediately.


How Does Meridian Health Protocol Works?