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Meridian Health Protocol

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-07-25)

Be Realistic: While I'm a Meridian Health Protocol huge believer in "The law of positive expectation" aka "The Secret" I've also learned to temper my enthusiasm with a dose of reality or what the military calls an "Honest Environmental Assessment". This has many applications to both stress and time management. It's a good practice to get in the habit of "under-promising and over-delivering" when it comes to giving commitments. Case in point: In the old days when asked when, I could have a project completed; I would jump right to that tight deadline. Then unplanned interruptions would occur and "Poof" I'm in crisis overload. Be realistic in your situational assessment and commitments. Adopt a Positive Attitude: In a survival situation people who most often perish say "Oh, NO, we're all going to die" Whereas people who survive say what is the very next step I need to take to survive this situation? Are you problem focused or solution oriented? Do you exhibit the qualities of people who handle stress well, including enjoying moments of solitude each day, using humor and play to change moods and being able to tolerate frustration without falling apart? Remind Yourself What is at Stake: In combat situations it's your life and the lives of other depending on you to do your share. Life is no different. Among the qualities of those who handle stress well is they value life every day. Train: The military has one of the best training programs in the world using realistic simulations to prepare troops for field reality. View each day as a survival situation. What did you do and or/handle well? Where and how could you have improved your reactions to improve the outcome? Learn Stress Management Techniques: The same training used in the military (relaxation, time management, assertiveness and cognitive restructuring (the ability to control your view of a situation) represent essential training for business and life. If you have not yet participated in a "Stress Management Course" you are missing out on one of life's essential survival tools. This is the urgent question I received in my in-box last week. It came from a woman who was clearly becoming increasingly panic-stricken at the impending life changes she will experience soon.

How Does Meridian Health Protocol Work?