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Diabetes Freedom

oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-07-27)

Mullaca - Mullaca is employed Diabetes Freedom in herbal medicine systems today in both Peru and Brazil. In Peruvian herbal medicine the plant is called mullaca or bolsa mullaca. To treat diabetes, the roots of three mullaca plants are sliced and macerated in 1/4 liter of rum for seven days. Honey is added, and 1/2 glass of this medicine is taken twice daily for 60 days. In addition, an infusion of the leaves is recommended as a good diuretic, and an infusion of the roots is used to treat hepatitis. For asthma and malaria, the dosage is 1 cup of tea made from the aerial parts of the plant. In Brazilian herbal medicine the plant is employed for chronic rheumatism, for skin diseases and dermatitis, as a sedative and diuretic, for fever and vomiting, and for many types of kidney, liver, and gallbladder problems. Agaricus Blazei Murrill (ABM) Mushroom - referred to in it's native Brazil as "The Mushroom of the Gods" with good reason due to it's amazing immune boosting and disease fighting properties. Available in health food stores. Alpha Lipoic Acid - In Germany, alpha-lipoic acid is an approved medical treatment for peripheral neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes. It speeds the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, at least partly by enhancing insulin function, and it reduces insulin resistance, an underpinning of many cases of coronary heart disease and obesity. The therapeutic dose for lipoic acid is 600 mg/day. In the United States, it is sold as a dietary supplement, usually as 50 mg tablets. (The richest food source of alpha-lipoic acid is red meat - but to insure proper health, use lean cuts of organic beef that has not been subject to antibiotics or feed lot practices) Cat's Claw - Used by indigenous tribes in Peru and South America to treat diabetes. Available at health food stores. "Oleander Soup" - A carefully prepared aqueous extract of the oleander plant made according to the directions in the book "Cancer's Natural Enemy". Diabetics who have used this remedy report being able to either reduce or eliminate medications altogether, often being able to control their diabetes with diet alone. Note: Oleander is extremely poisonous in raw form, but safe when boiled and strained according to the directions in the book. Other Good Foods and Supplements - Almonds, apples, oranges, and substances high in omega three oils (olive oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, borage oil).

How Does Diabetes Freedom Work?