Komentar Pembaca


oleh Francene Frayer (2020-08-06)

If this is the case then Herpeset I really hope that you have visited your surgery and been properly diagnosed. I guess your doctor must have explained that your cysts will go away on their own and that there is nothing else you need to do. Indeed, this is correct in most cases. You must however remain cautious because ovarian cysts that remain untreated can lead to serious complications especially when you are asymptomatic. So, why am I saying this? Ovarian cysts are so common and because many women experience no symptoms whatsoever it means that their cysts may never be found, which if they were to develop into large painful cysts could lead to some serious complications. A ruptured ovarian cyst is one of the most serious complications you can expect from a cyst that has gone unnoticed. The symptoms include amongst others, acute lower abdomen pain, bleeding and constant tiredness. If untreated, you are at serious risk of a haemorrhage as well as other infections such as blood poisoning and so on. Some women have reported pain during sexual intercourse or sometimes even whilst passing a bowel movement. Never ignore such symptoms especially if you experience them for longer than two weeks.

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