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oleh Rosaria Wetzell (2020-08-19)

And here's the 'secret'. How Panalean you deal with the setback is not about your game or your diet. It's about your mind and how you deal with it and you need to learn this if you want to keep the weight off over a long period. It's vital that you bring your mind to the present to focus on getting away from the problem as opposed to falling into the kind of negative self talk that calls you a loser all because of a hiccup. Take this approach with your diet. If you fall off the diet wagon and either by eating wrong or by gaining weight first stop beating yourself up - you won't change anything for the good. Second start telling yourself you can do this and get yourself back into your diet. It sounds simplistic but the more times you take this approach the more success you will enjoy over the long haul. Eventually you will start to break the hold your habits have over you and you will strengthen your resolve to be a long term success Belly fat is a bad bad thing. Nothing can swing your good mood to the blues more quickly than a sharp glance down to where the toes of your sandals should be only to spy your old nemesis, the jelly belly lurking between you and your perky toenail polish. One of the main reasons we are so fixated about losing fat from our belly is that it is right out there in front of ... well ...in front of everything really. We sort of lead with our belly and it is a constant shaming reminder that we are not fit and slim and healthy. Being the bit of us where we secure our trousers, skirts and undies, we are confronted with our belly fat facts, not just every day, but lots and lots of times through each day. Not to worry. Belly fat does not have to be forever. This is how lose the belly fat blues in a 3 part harmony.

How Does Panalean Work?