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oleh Sylvie Pinley (2020-08-19)

Another trick is to roast veggies to bring out their Curafen sweetness; any combination of the following veggies is an excellent choice for roasting: red potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut or summer squashes, bell peppers, onions, and garlic. Remember to cut the veggies into the appropriate sizes so all are tender at the same time. Because summer squash is a soft veggie cut into larger chunks before roasting, or add after the other firmer veggies have cooked for 5-10 minutes. Here's how: coat the veggie chunks with a couple teaspoons of olive or vegetable oil, season with salt and pepper and herbs and put on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Bake at 450° about 35-40 minutes, turning once during the baking time. Yummy!A couple of other tricks to try: add 1 part of cooked cauliflower to 3 parts potatoes and mash. Most kids love mashed potatoes and won't even realize that you snuck in a veggie. You can also try cutting veggies into french-fry size pieces, dip in a beaten egg and then coat with bread crumbs and lay single file on a cookie sheet and oven fry until tender. Turn over once or twice during baking time. Acai juice is the current buzzword in the health world, but many people are concerned about possible Acai side effects. Should they be?The quick answer is no. Let's take a look at this new addition to the "superfoods line-up" to find out more about it. Acai berries come from the Amazon rainforest where they have been used by native Brazilians for thousands of years. Many of these indigenous tribespeople consume a tremendous amount of Acai on a daily basis, with a large portion of their diet consisting of fruit from the Acai palm. Importantly, these native Brazilians who consume so much Acai have not reported any negative side effects from such high consumption levels.


How Does Curafen Works?