Profil Pengguna

Silber Carrera


zahidi dates price in pakistan, safawi dates benefits, dates fruit sec Mazafati date appointed date Bam is one of the most well-known and various kinds of Iranian date fruit which is ordinarily made use of as Rutab (fresh). If ‘yes', then you are liable to pay Zakat tax. The Bam region has about 28000 Hectares of the lands below the harvest of mazafati date from which 5000 Hectares pertains to young palm trees. Luckily, it is extremely quick to get a wholesome sugar repair in raw and complete meals. Its colour is Brown- black and the skin is completely-cling to the flesh so it has nice and fantastic view and thorough cleansing approach is performed, and those that after have been consumed this date for their pretty fantastic taste and desirable appearance dates and other properties of the food is normally permanent consumer.

Ajwa Dates