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Many people are humiliated with Yellow Toe Nails that are not getting cured. Only those who have had this unsightly ailment know well how repugnant they can really be. Apart from the hateful look and social embarrassment, yellow toenails are also to indicate that there is something more of trouble shooting in nature, specifically identified as Toenail Fungal Infection. But there is nothing to worry about because there are various treatments for having cure.

It is not life frightening:

Having a nail infection is a common thing that many people are experiencing. It is not life threatening but agonizing with bitter experiences. With toenail fungus, one cannot walk on bare foot in public places. Keravita pro Review The discolored and cramped nail may be a hating thing for the infected. In spite of all, it's not advisable to rush to wrong conclusions immediately. Of course, there are two stages in discoloration of the nails. Due to a harmless kind of bacteria, the color turns to green. When the ailment is fairly acute, there is the 'yellow nail syndrome' which should not be ignored.

4 Best Home Remedies, Causes, Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails ...

How to identify the actual problem?

However, it needs to confirm whether it is exactly the fungal infection causing yellow toenail. Right now, the yellow section of the nail will look like a streak. If it is confirmed, consulting a doctor is essential to avoid further complications. The doctor can diagnose the condition and suggest treatment. And yet, if left untreated, the infection will spread to entire nail and the nail root as well. So, the problem should be nipped in the bud itself by alleviating sign of yellow toenail fungus with proper treatment.

Remedies and cures for yellow nail infection:

There are varied treatments for yellow toenails. But it should be remembered that all treatments are not equally working for all individuals. Some people choose home remedies for yellow toenails by soaking the infected nail in essential oils like tea tree oil or Oregano Oil three or four times daily. But the infection cannot be cured by overnight. It may prolong to two or three months. The good news is that there is no side effect in home remedies. So, you can choose home remedies at low cost without least pain for treating yellow nail infection.